Saturday, April 25, 2009

Questions for Menage Authors

TalkingTwoLips, a Yahoo group, is having a menage day today. A reader posted a set of questions which you might find interesting, so I'm posted those same questions here.

What inspired you to write ménage?
I was inspired the endless possibilities of things an author can do with multiple men. :) Also multiple men catering to a woman's needs is the ultimate female fantasy.

Which trio that you have created do you really feel maybe the closest too.. ( I know your close to all of them) but come on you know the favorite child syndrome....
Since I've only actually published one ménage to date, I have to see that the trio of Cody, Jerome, and Taryn are my favorites. I had a great time with all the situations I put them into. These three all have their individual quirks. Jerome loves to use purple prose. I had a great time with that.

How hard is it to promo ménage stories?
Not hard at all. They practically sell themselves.

What do you see new happening in ménage stories in the future?
I think that the competition will increase which is good for both authors and readers. It's still such a new genre that authors are forced to put out books as fast as they can and almost everything sells. With increased competition, I think we'll see better writing, better plots, better characterization, and better sex scenes. I really think that's good for everyone. Right now, at my publisher if you write a cowboy ménage, you have an instant best seller. I'd like to see the genre grow so that other types of stories are just as popular.

How hard is it to write a ménage of m/m/m verses m/f/m ?
Because I have to get into my character's heads when I write, I have to be able to imagine what they're doing. To date I haven't tried to imagine what goes on in the heads of m/m/m. But who knows in the future. It could be fun.