Sunday, December 4, 2011

Available Now: The Bride Bargain

The Bride Bargain   

Brides of Bachelor Bay 4

Buy Here

Read Excerpt Here

When town gossip Lucy Riley demands to be released from her contract if the Gallaghers cannot find her a suitable husband, she never expects the temporary agreement to include two reluctant loggers with an agenda of their own. She sets her sights on softening their rough ways and educating their minds but soon comes to realize it’s not their minds she desires.

Tate and Jason strike a bargain for their dream house. All they have to do is live with Lucy Riley for one month. Lucy can’t sing, cook, or shut her mouth. Her bossy demeanor and adventurous streak drive the men crazy, and they vow to tame her in and out of the bedroom.

Falling in love was never part of the bargain, but sometimes love has a mind of its own.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Guest Blogger: Josee Renard: It's Not Unsual

It's Not Unusual is the eighth story in a ten-part serial called Part Time Lovers. PTL is a website that's completely different from eHarmony or - it's all about the right person for right now. It's all about sex and great hook-ups. These stories follow two different threads - the continuing personal and extremely hot sexual relationships of Jules and Mercy, the owners of Part Time Lovers, and the connections made between a couple (or three) of Part Time Lover's clients. It was a lot of fun to write. I loved the idea of a serial (kind of like Charles Dickens) and I enjoyed writing about ten completely different sexual encounters. I hope you enjoy this one - and if you like it, check out the others.


Blurb: Mike’s a celebrity, an extra large ex-football player. Women are attracted to him because of his money but are frightened of his size. Mike’s pretty sure the only way he can get what he wants is to find two sexually adventurous women. Maybe Part Time Lovers will find him what he needs. Dee and Samantha are more than up for the challenge, in fact, in the end they take over the sexual relationship and Mike gets—and gives—way more than he’d expected. This threesome is hotter than any of them could have anticipated.


It’s my fortieth birthday this month, and I’m still single. What I want more than anything is to fulfill the secret fantasy I’ve had since I was a teenager.

I went to school with two girls—twins. They weren’t identical. In fact, they were quite different in looks, but it was obvious they were close and there was just something about them, something that fascinated me. Of course, that might have been because I was a teenage boy!

Ever since then I’ve been thinking about them. Not them exactly, but about two women. And honestly? It’s not all about me and that secret male fantasy, though there’s that too. It’s about being surrounded with warm and willing female flesh.

I grew up in foster care and though I was fortunate and didn’t have to live through any of the horror stories we hear about, I didn’t get much of a woman’s love and caring.

Do you have a friend who’d be interested? I promise I will satisfy you. Both of you. I love women. I love kissing and sucking and hugging. I love sex.

Will the two of you be my secret fantasy?


Dee hit the send button on the response to Mike’s post and sat back in her living room, the computer screen glowing on her desk and the sound turned up so they’d hear the ping signalling the arrival of an email.

Dee and Samantha discovered the joy of Part Time Lovers a year ago when Dee had wanted to do something completely different for her birthday. They had a tradition of spending their birthdays on weekend trips away, somewhere not too far but where they were unknowns.

Vancouver was still, in many ways, a very small town, and both of them had jobs that kept them in the public eye enough that breaking loose wasn’t a good idea. Being gossiped about wasn’t good for a woman running a public relations firm, or for a woman who worked on camera for a community broadcaster.

So they picked a place—Seattle, San Francisco, L.A., Las Vegas—and planned a three day, three night trip where they were free to get their freak on. Two rooms, no holds barred. Dee had the best sex of her life on those trips.

They’d had the best sex of their lives on those trips. Never together, but part of the joy of it was sharing the details with a bottle or two of wine once the trip was over. And then they’d discovered Part Time Lovers.

It was perfect for the long dry spells in between those trips. Not exactly secret, more discreet, and they’d taken full advantage of its services over the past year. And continued sharing their escapades over wine. It made the months between vacations bearable, sometimes even more than bearable.

And both of them had decided that a night with Mike—Samantha laughed out loud when she said that, adding, “It sounds like a movie, a bad movie”—would be just the thing for gloomy November.

They’d never been in a threesome, at least with each other, though Dee had once spent a weekend with two old friends, male friends. It had been entertaining but it felt a bit too contrived, as if the men had decided they needed to try it so they could check it off their To-Do list, rather than because they were desperately interested in it.

This, though, this thing with Mike, might be right up their alley.

* * * * *

Samantha had been surfing the Web site when she’d spotted Mike’s post and emailed Dee with the link. A quick yes had come back and they’d met at Dee’s place to draft and send their response.

Once that was done, and it hadn’t taken more than a single glass of wine to do it, they’d sat back to talk about it.

“How are we going to handle this?” Dee asked, her bright red hair gleaming in the afternoon sunlight. That was one of the things Samantha loved about her friend, how she had absolutely no inhibitions. She’d change her hairstyle at the drop of a hat and often did, changing colors and styles with wild abandon.

Samantha’s hair had been the same since she was a teenager. The only way to tame the unruly curls was to keep them long enough for the weight to pull them at least quasi-straight.

The two of them didn’t look anything alike—Samantha with her olive skin, dark eyes and hair; Dee reminding her of a pixie, all white skin and twinkling blue eyes and whatever hair she’d chosen that month. Or week.

But they’d met at a painting class and something had immediately clicked between them. Maybe it had been the laughter they’d shared over the fact that their paintings were so embarrassingly bad the teacher wouldn’t even comment on them. Or the fact that they’d spent the whole eight weeks of class time critiquing the rest of the students. Not their art, but their attitudes, their hair, their clothes, their whatever the two of them were fixated on in a particular class.

Whatever it had been, they had become the sisters neither of them had ever had. Dee had grown up as an only child; Samantha with a troupe of brothers, six of them. She didn’t see any of them anymore, tired to death of being criticized because she wasn’t yet married, had no children, had a job they didn’t understand, and lived in Vancouver rather than in the small prairie town the rest of them seemed bound and determined to populate without help from anyone else.

Samantha settled back to the question at hand.

“I think we drive him crazy. We treat him as if he were some sultan from a desert kingdom, the man who could choose any women—as many women—as he wanted to pleasure him.”

A smile lit up Dee’s face.

Dee loved Samantha’s idea. It was sweet and yet incredibly sexy at the same time. At least it was to her.

She’d spent some time with a guy a few years back who was totally into treating her like a princess, spoiling her with clothes and jewelry and sex. He’d done whatever she wanted, for as long as she wanted. He’d lick her body from head to toe, he’d suck her clit until she trembled, he’d fuck her with his tongue.

He used toys on her, not whips or handcuffs or anything like that, but dildos, vibrators, butt plugs—and she loved all of that. In fact, she stayed with him for far longer than she should because of the orgasms, the many, many, many orgasms he gave her.

But she felt as if she’d contributed nothing. He wanted to please her. That was how he got off. Sometimes he didn’t even climax, instead lying in bed next to her and watching her while she slept.

Dee wanted to hurt him, to push him until he finally broke and rammed his cock into her cunt and fucked her until he exploded. She couldn’t do it. But because she wanted to, she finally had to give up the orgasms before she did something she’d always regret.

Mike, though… Mike was going to be her opportunity to see what it felt like to be the giver rather than the receiver of that kind of tenderness, that kind of gentleness, that kind of unselfish caring for another person’s sexual journey.

“I’m with you,” Dee finally said to Samantha. “He’ll be our sultan, and we’ll be his sexual slaves.” She jumped up from the couch. “What time is it? We have to go shopping.”

“Shopping? Now?” Samantha’s eyes were open with shock as she looked at her watch. “It’s seven-thirty.” She looked at her wrist again. “And before you ask—it’s Thursday night and the stores are open until nine. So we’d better hurry.”

Dee thought about that for a minute. They wouldn’t have time to do what she wanted to do in only ninety minutes. She flipped through her PDA and dialed the Love Shop, asking for Tracy, the owner.

“I need a favor,” she said. “I’ve got a date tomorrow night and I need some clothes. And a whole pile of toys, none of which I have. It’ll take us half an hour to get there, so would you mind waiting for us and maybe hanging back a little if we go over?”

Tracy laughed. Dee had known she’d like this woman the minute she met her at the organizing meeting for the Taboo Show last year. She was outrageous and funny and smart, and she made a pile of money at her shop on the edge of the city.

“Come on by, but bring a bottle of wine with you, okay? If I’m going to stay late, I need a bribe. I prefer red.”


You can find Josee at:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The First Annual Natalie Acres Boot Scootin’ Boogie Blog Tour

Releasing November 7th

Cowboy Boots and Unsettled Debts

Book Three in the Cowboy Boots Series


Seduction turns deadly when Abby Rose, an agent with the Underground Unit, decides to put a provocative spin on revenge. Her plan to sleep with a cartel leader backfires when fellow operatives refuse to let Abby face her enemy alone.
Abby’s fellow agents begin the fight of their lives. After discovering Abby will use her body to lure in the man who killed her father and their command leader, seven highly trained special operatives cope with high tensions as each man comes to terms with feelings they never acknowledged.
This team isn’t fighting for another cause or plotting the best way to take out their mark. The stakes are much higher. These men will take up arms and meet their greatest challenge as they work together to protect the woman they admire and love.


Rated R for content and language
Ace snarled. “I will spank her when this is over.”
“Sure you will,” Casey said. “About like Porter plans to put a dildo in her pussy and paddle her twat.”
“I never said that,” Porter said, keeping a keen eye on Abby.
“Talk about that kiss and I’ll deck you,” Ace said.
“Damn, those lips were sweet,” Porter teased.
Ace faced him. “I wasn’t kidding.”
Porter took a deep breath. Sometimes Ace’s attitude was a real obstacle. He was a smart-ass SOB when he wanted to be. Standing about six foot four, Ace was nothing more than layers of muscle. The only soft spot the man possessed was the one Porter held in high regard, too—Abby Rose.
“I say we take him out right here,” Casey said, always ready to jump the gun.
Casey looked like a kid, and very often Porter reminded himself Casey wasn’t a child, hard to do since the guy looked like a surfer boy of about eighteen. Only a year separated them. Porter was twenty-nine. Casey followed only a year behind.
Still, Casey was a trained killer just like the lot of them. Under normal daily circumstances, he was such a klutz and a clown, but when he aimed his gun and pulled the trigger, no one had a more accurate shot.
Fowler folded his hands atop the table. “I’m ready for this to be over.”
“What’s wrong, Fowler,” Ace taunted him. “Afraid Juraz is gonna tap that?”
“He won’t be a-tappin’ that. I’ll promise ya.”
Porter and Ace exchanged a knowing stare. Porter shook his head in warning. It wasn’t worth the argument. They all recognized the possible scenarios. The best they could hope for was the most favorable. If Abby went to bed with Juraz, they wanted her to kill him before she was forced to fuck him.
Unfortunately, they needed information from Juraz before she pulled the trigger. And he probably wouldn’t open his mouth unless she first opened those long, shapely legs.
Copyright © 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Edit Process--Not a Pain but an Opportunity

On an author loop I'm on, Tymber Dalton posted this reply to a new author who was discouraged over her first round of edits. I loved her reply so much that I asked if I could use it on my blog. Well, great minds think alike, and she'd already posted it to her blog.

If edits are getting you down, read Tymber's The Edit Process: of Tires and Pastry Chefs:

You'll find Tymber's take on editing encouraging and entertaining.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Destiny Blaine Book: Mary had a Little Problem: Now available

Bestselling erotic romance author, Destiny Blaine, has a new book release from Resplendence Publishing. The long awaited Mary Had a Little Problem promises ménage romance readers a page-turning romance filled with hot love scenes and an unforgettable love story. Order your copy of Destiny’s romance of the year—Mary Had a Little Problem is out today:

Mary Worthington is a widow, or at least, she should’ve been. A former Navy Seals wife, her husband is killed in combat and Mary has a difficult time accepting the fact her husband isn’t coming home. Without a body to bury or witnesses to tell her what happened, there’s no way Mary can put the past to sleep until someone provides her with the truth about her husband’s final hours.

Trying to step out and socialize once again while pursuing facts about her husband’s death, Mary is introduced to Brock Taylor, a hard-core ladies man dedicated to the Marines and sharing himself with any woman who wants a piece of one. That is, until he meets Mary, a woman he’s known about through a past acquaintance.
Mary and Brock fall in love, plan a wedding in the Great Smoky Mountains, and well, things could’ve been headed toward a happy ending. However, six months after Brock finally wins Mary’s hand, Mary’s deceased husband reappears. And Mary wonders if she’ll be forced to give up one man in exchange for the other.


Mourning the death of her husband began at the sound of the first shots fired. For some reason, up until then, Mary kept thinking she’d awaken and discover she’d been having another nightmare. Instead, reality set in and delivered its final blow. The ceremony in progress jolted her back to the present with a new understanding.

She was attending her husband’s memorial. Luke was gone, and he wasn’t coming back.

Mary had somehow remained stoic throughout the service, fearing if she looked up, turned to her left, or glanced right, she might meet a stranger’s gaze. She refused to lock eyes with those in attendance, realizing their hearts were full of pity.

Many of them knew Luke. Some of them had fought beside him. Others were there to pay their respects to a fallen soldier, but they didn’t know the man behind the uniform, the husband behind the Navy’s finest SEAL. 

There was another powerful blast, and the jarring sensation came with a deafening and most eerie sound of a three-round volley. The air was thick with tension. Those in attendance jerked with every shot resounding through the hills.

Mary’s tears finally came, flooding her cheeks until the rapid falls ran dry. It was then when Mary understood a truer meaning of taps.

This was the end, the most monumental signal of all. It was time to turn out the lights and go home. The final seconds in the last hour approached. Now, she was expected to accept the fact that her happily-ever-after ending wasn’t meant to be. Mary needed to find a way to come to terms with the facts.

Her husband was dead. She couldn’t bring him back. 

Lieutenant Lucas Worthington once spoke of a soldier’s death, an honorable death, the kind of burial all soldiers hoped they’d find. If Mary had been given one last chance to talk with Luke, she would’ve told him that this death wasn’t a clean death, as he’d once discussed. This casualty, no one understood.

Luke should’ve been careful what he wished for, and Mary should’ve selected a husband more wisely, refused to fall in love with a man destined to die. Mary gave her heart to a Navy SEAL. He, in turn, fell in love with the notion that freedom was won, honor easily earned, and death only came to those who were fighting for the wrong side.

Mary wished for one last opportunity to tell Luke her point of view on the subject now, perhaps show him the error of his ways, and explain devastation in simple woman’s terms.

At that moment, she wanted her husband to know how she felt. She longed to explain her agony. But it was too late for that, and she wasn’t sure she could put her sorrow into words.

Still, Mary longed to see Luke one last time. She would’ve given her final breath if she could’ve held something substantial in her arms, perhaps something to show her, help her grasp the idea that the love she’d cherished was lost. The man she’d worshipped was gone, and his funeral was anything but a bad dream.

Her life had turned into a nightmare. Without a body to bury, Mary had a feeling she’d never awaken from the hellish world that had somehow become her horrific reality.

The following excerpt is rated PG17

“The next time you try and set me up with some hardcore, sexy-as-all-fucking-hell military prick, I swear to God, I’m gonna—”

“Anna told me how to get here,” Brock interrupted her rant as soon as the door was pushed all the way back.

“Fuck my life,” Mary muttered, thinking she’d never seen a hotter man than the one in front of her. Even Luke would have a difficult time measuring up to Brock, and that was saying a lot.

Stop it right now, she thought. She didn’t have the right to gawk at this stranger like he was a packaged adult delivery for an overnight stay. “This is not happening to me.”

Brock winked, a devilish grin marking a permanent place on his face. “Prick? Really? Is that the best you can do?”

She released a troubled sigh. Apparently, he missed the compliment laced through that warm greeting.

“Why are you here?”

She saw the attitude coming from a mile away. “I was afraid someone might try to set you up with some hardcore, sexy-as-all-fucking-hell military prick. I’m here to save you.”

“From myself?” she asked, meaning she needed all the help she could get since she had the open-mouth-insert-foot concept down to a perfected science.

“Should I take that to mean you’re interested?”

“What do you want?” she asked, ignoring his underlying insinuations.

“An invitation inside would be a nice start.”


 “Maybe because it’s the polite thing to do, especially after you spoke so passionately about me.”

“The last time a soldier stood in my doorway, he brought bad news with him. Would you invite that into your home, Mr. Taylor?”

“Depends on what you consider bad news, Mary. And please, call me Brock. We’ll do better in the end if we start out with first names.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You think you could stand my answer?”

Mary propped her hands on her hips. “Depends. Think you can handle rejection?”

Destiny Blaine’s Mary Had a Little Problem can be ordered here on release day:

Follow Destiny on Facebook or Twitter:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The First Bride Now at Amazon

You can now purchase The First Bride at Amazon:

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Riding the Circuit

My m/f/m contemporary cowboy romance is available for presale at Siren Publishing. For a sneak peak click here.

Professional rodeo cowboys and Special Forces Reservists Riley Backstrom and Jonah Yates never figured on spending their spare time guarding a rodeo queen, especially not feisty, headstrong Mitzi Garrison.

Believing her stalker is harmless, even fictional, Mitzi resents her father hiring bodyguards. She doesn’t want the two cowboys underfoot, especially Riley, as they have a history. But history or not, Mitzi can’t resist either man and soon becomes involved with both hot cowboys at the same time.

Despite giving them her body, she refuses to give them her cooperation when it comes to guarding her—until one night the danger presented by her stalker becomes a reality.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Guest Blogger at Jeanne St. James

I'm the guest blogger at Jeanne St. James. Stop by and say hi:

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Welcome Guest Blogger Cassandra Carr

I'd like to welcome an excellent writer and good friend, Cassandra Carr. Cassandra will be telling us about her new release, Talk to Me.

Talk to Me

Radio producer Jamie MacMahon is in over her head with ex-hockey player-turned host Drew Milan. She’s attracted to the man who earned the nickname “the Beast” during his playing days from the moment they meet, but he’s her boss and she loves her new job. She’s made plenty of mistakes with men and loathes the thought of being yet another plaything for Drew, a man who sleeps with women but doesn’t date them.

Drew doesn’t want to lose a great producer and knows Jamie deserves a real relationship, but can’t stay away from the sizzling chemistry they create every time they’re together. Jamie’s insecurities and the very real prospect of having to leave a great job if this thing doesn’t work out clash hard with Drew’s fears about opening his heart and the possibility of losing his first competent producer.

By the time the show ended and Jamie thought about how long it would take her to shut everything down for the night, then hustle herself off to the subway station and take the three different trains to get to her apartment all the way out in Brooklyn, she was truly afraid she would self-combust.

Drew ran out of the place like a bomb scare had been called in, so at least she didn’t have to worry about him anymore. Nonetheless, Jamie waited a good ten minutes past when she was finished with her nightly duties, then made her way back to the small production room where she and Drew had recorded his promo earlier. She knew a copy of it would still be stored on the computer in the room, and after scooting in and shutting the door, she booted it up. She told herself she needed to check it one more time before giving it to the station manager tomorrow, but who was she kidding? She needed to hear him but in a safe environment. Where she couldn’t do anything stupid. She needed his voice to weave inside her, through her, like a drug.

The rough yet strangely melodic sounds of Drew’s voice drifted over Jamie as she leaned back in her chair. Closing her eyes, she pictured his face in her mind -- his to-die-for lips traveling down the length of her body, just as her hand was doing at the moment; his navy blue eyes, focused only on her as he brought her to orgasm… She reached the button of her jeans and eased them open, propping her feet up on the desk.
She couldn’t believe she was doing this at work, but no one was around, and if she didn’t do something to assuage this ache, she was likely to jump him the next time she saw him. Bad idea. Bad, bad idea. Fantasizing about the man was one thing; straddling his powerful, muscular thighs in the studio chair and offering herself to him was another. That thought brought another rush of heat to her pussy, and she moaned. She needed serious help.

At first she just teased herself a little, rubbing outside her panties, but it soon became too much. She needed relief too badly to continue to torment herself. As Drew’s voice continued to assail her from all directions in the small, windowless room, she pushed her hand down inside the waistband of her panties and through her curls until she found the damp center of her sex. The sweet smell of her musk wafted up to tickle her nose, arousing her even more.

Twirling her fingers as much as the constricting position allowed her to, she imagined they were Drew’s tongue instead. She let out a plaintive moan as the picture caused her juices to flow even more, soaking her fingers. Plunging two of them into her pussy, she pressed her thumb on her clit, craving the direct stimulation. Jamie gasped as shock waves of pleasure shot from her pussy through her clit and up her spine, her back arching. And through it all, Drew’s voice urged her to new heights.


Monday, June 6, 2011

New Release Date for Riding the Circuit

The release date for Riding the Circuit has been moved up to July 4.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Riding the Circuit Cover

I'm very happy to display the cover for my next release, Riding the Circuit. Thanks so much to cover artist Les Byerley for another incredible cover.

Riding the Circuit
Rodeo Riders 1
Available from Menage Everlasting on July 18


Riding herd on a rodeo queen?

Professional rodeo cowboys and Special Forces Reservists, Riley Backstrom and Jonah Yates never figured to be spending their spare time guarding a rodeo queen, especially not feisty, headstrong Mitzi Garrison.

Believing her stalker is harmless, even fictional, Mitzi resents her father’s hiring of bodyguards. She doesn’t want the two cowboys underfoot, especially Riley considering their past history. But history or not, Mitzi can’t resist either man and soon becomes involved with both hot cowboys and at the same time.

Despite giving them her body, she refuses to give them her cooperation when it comes to guarding that body until one night when the danger presented by her stalker becomes a reality.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bachelor Bay Background

Last summer I started toying with an idea for a ménage series based on a bit of Seattle history. First of all, to date I’ve been exclusively a contemporary author with 3 books published with Siren and 4 m/f books published under another pen name. I’d never tackled a historical, though I loved to read them, especially set in regency England.
The basic plot revolved around a group of 23 women who answered an ad in a Boston newspaper for brides wanted in 1860s Washington Territory. Washington didn’t become a state until 1889, so this was back when the area was first settled. My fictional town of Port Steele would be set on a beautiful bay on the east side of Puget Sound, literally across the water from Seattle. I pictured Bachelor Bay to be in the area of what is now Bremerton/Port Orchard/Silverdale. Since this series takes place during the Civil War era, men were scarce back east. The women who answered my hero’s ad were willing to leave civilization behind and journey to an unknown land in the hope of finding a new life and a new love. The Gallagher brothers, who owned a logging company and sawmill, placed the ad in order to pacify their lumberjacks who were threatening to leave because of the lack of women in the area.

Figuring there was safety in numbers, I talked to my good friends, Bella Grace and Eve Adams, to see if they’d be interested in joining me. The more we talked about the idea, the more excited we became. The three of us collaborated on characters, plots, conflicts, and threads that’d run through all the stories. I poured over old UW archives on historical logging and pioneer life in the Pacific Northwest.

Since Eve and I are currently published with Siren, we approached Siren/Bookstrand publisher’s with our idea. She loved it. I mean really loved it. Our publisher accepted the series into the Ménage Everlasting line, and Les Byerley did our gorgeous covers.

And The Brides of Bachelor Bay was born.
What started out as a three-book series blossomed into a six-book series. Depending on the sales, we might try for a nine-book series. The first three in the series were released on Memorial weekend. We’re working on the next three books now.
I’m extremely excited about this series. Each book will average about 35,000 words and will feature one of the brides as the heroine. The heroes have various professions, such as lumbermen, lumberjacks, the town mayor, a Sioux Indian, a mercantile owner, and others. Of course, we have several villains, some who redeem themselves and some who don’t.

All in all, this series has been immensely satisfying to write. I hope you’ll pick up a copy and escape to Bachelor Bay for an evening or two.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Brides of Bachelor Bay Series--Available May 30

Washington Territory, 1864


Gallagher Logging and the Gallagher brothers welcome you to Port Steele on beautiful Bachelor Bay in Washington Territory.

You have chosen to embark on a journey rife with excitement to an untamed land of incomparable beauty where the trees are as tall as mountains, the water as blue as any sapphire, and the men outnumber the women fifty to one. To leave the comfort of civilization and the support of your families to journey west takes great courage, but you are all courageous women. Together we will write the history of Washington Territory and develop the foundation of future generations.

Thank you for joining us in our quest to settle this land. May you love well, live long, make your fortunes, and attain your desires.

Logan, Gage, Andrew, and Noah Gallagher
Gallagher Lumber and Timber

THE FIRST BRIDE [Brides of Bachelor Bay 1]

by Sofia Hunt

[Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Historical Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, bondage, sex toys] In order to protect her sisters from a murderous uncle, Lizzie Prescott answers a “brides wanted” ad and journeys to the wilds of 1860s Washington Territory, a land of towering cedar trees and brawny lumberjacks, only to find her heart in a different kind of danger from two brawny lumbermen. READ MORE

THE HUSBAND CONTRACT [Brides of Bachelor Bay 2]

by Bella Grace

[Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Historical Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M] Even after the arrival of a boatload of brides, men in the untamed Washington Territory outnumber women fifty to one. Olivia is under contract to marry, but tempted by debauchery she only dared imagine in Boston, she gives her heart and body to two. How can she choose only one? READ MORE

PATIENCE IS THEIR VIRTUE [Brides of Bachelor Bay 3]

by Eve Adams

[Ménage Everlasting: Erotic Historical Menage a Trois Romance, M/F/M] As the town founder, ruthless business owner Adam Steele is the man everyone loves to hate. He meets Patience Weber and she turns his life upside down with nothing more than her smile. When he takes her home, she discovers Adam shares more than his address with his brother, Raven. READ MORE

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The First Bride--Book 1 of The Brides of Bachelor Bay

Coming to Menage Everlasting (Siren Publishing) in Late May

1864, Port Steele, Washington Territory


Gallagher Logging and the Gallagher brothers welcome you to Port Steele on beautiful Bachelor Bay in Washington Territory.

You have chosen to embark on a journey rife with excitement to an untamed land of incomparable beauty where the trees are as tall as mountains, the water as blue as any sapphire, and the men outnumber the women fifty to one. To leave the comfort of civilization and the support of your families to journey west takes great courage, but you are all courageous women. Together we will write the history of Washington Territory and develop the foundation of future generations.

 We thank for your joining us in our quest to settle this land. May you love well, live long, make your fortunes, and attain your desires.

Logan, Gage, Luke, and Noah Gallagher


Determined to protect her sisters from a murderous uncle, Lizzie Prescott answers a brides wanted ad. She and her sisters journey to 1860s Washington Territory, a wild land of towering cedar trees and brawny lumberjacks.

Logan Gallagher brought the brides out west for his crew, not for himself, but he can’t get the red-haired beauty out of his mind. His brother, Gage, harbors his own desires for the opinionated redhead.

Can all three of them find love together in this untamed land?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Guest Blogger: Destiny Blaine

Welcome Back to Destiny Blaine as she tells us about her latest release.

Steam Toys
Just Released Today
Available Now at Aspen Mountain Press

Revenge is a hot, bitter dish when served up enthusiastically by someone empowered by extra steam.
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Heidi Labeidi, a successful Nevada brothel owner, had the world by its tail until her deceptive lover Stan Graves disposed of her. Lost somewhere between life and the afterlife, Heidi materializes in her former home thirty years after her death. She has a second chance and she’s hell bent on solving her own murder.
With a knack for creating pleasure-inducing trinkets and furniture, Edward Brady is an eccentric mad scientist on the verge of greatness. He’s also in desperate need of an assistant and his problems are solved when he discovers a sensual ghost enjoying his sex toys.
Heidi has something to offer Edward but her assistance comes at a price. And when Edward becomes an assassin’s mark, only Heidi can help him. Will Edward barter with a ghost who can save him and if he does, will the former madam become the one woman Edward is unable to resist?
Heidi squeezed his fingers. “You’re a thoughtful man, Edward, but trust me when I tell you: I’ve ruined many a man’s reputation. You’re considered a genius in this town. You don’t want this city to turn its back on you right now. You’re on the verge of something great and I want to come along for the ride.” She slid her arm under the table and touched his knee. “And I want a lot of rides with you, Edward.”
His damn prick was ready to negotiate the terms.
You do?” Edward asked, engaging himself in what must’ve looked like an odd one-sided conversation. By the time he realized what he was doing, half the restaurant’s customers were now turning around, staring at him with marked curiosity.
Heidi tilted her head toward some of the patrons. “You’re seated at a table for two. You requested a couple of wine glasses. Two meals have been served. This seat is vacant and you’re holding a hand that doesn’t exist.” She looked down at their entwined fingers. “Your thumb is jerking as if you’re massaging my wrist. You don’t think this is newsworthy for the Las Vegas Lifestyle Magazine?”
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Edward admitted. “If I can see you, then they must.”
“No, Edward,” she said, standing.
He stood too as a polite gesture.
“I don’t exist in your world. You’re the only one who can see me.”
“Then I’m one lucky guy.”
Heidi held her shoulders back. A quick tilt of her head sent ringlets tumbling across her shoulders. “That depends on who you ask at the moment. In public situations like this, I recommend that you listen and let me do the talking. Some here are ruthless snakes when it comes to tearing down a man’s reputation, especially one like yours, and they’ll be anxious to poke fun at the crazy man, the man who inevitably will catch the eye of their women because of his deep pockets.”
“What’s that mean, exactly?”
“You’re about to make millions, the kind of money this city hasn’t seen since the days of Howard Hughes, and you’re acting as crazy as Hughes himself.”
“I’m not hungry,” he told her, feeling like he’d known her at another point and time in his life. “I want to take you home and—”
“And what, Edward? Get to know me?”
She took a deep breath. “Oh for heaven’s sake, sit down and finish your meal and then meet me at the curb. As long as you’re looking at me like I’m dessert, there’s no way you’ll enjoy your dinner. Besides, you’re drawing too much attention.”
“I would think someone in your line of work craves center stage.” he pointed out, snapping at her.
Heidi leaned forward. “Careful, Edward, everyone is staring now.”
Excerpt Two:
A few seconds after the hand-job, she tucked him in his pants and redressed quietly. He stared at her in disbelief. “You are most definitely a tease.”
“No, Edward. I’m not,” she assured him, adjusting her simple sleeves.
‘Then do you mind telling me why you didn’t finish what you started?”
“Of course not,” she said, crossing one long leg over the other. “Lesson number one is just for you, Edward. You may have a whore in your lap, with your cock in her cheek, but you never, ever make the implication you believe she’s old, used and cheap.”
“I made you feel that way?”
She tilted her head down and with wide eyes, she confirmed it. “Yes you did, Edward.”
“You’re the one that said you’d given head a few times. Not me.”
She smiled, placed her hands in her lap and looked straight ahead. When they pulled into the parking lot of the towers where Edward lived, she said, “And you suggested I may have been out of practice which was a direct slam to my age.”
“It wasn’t.”
“It was, Edward,” she said, pushing her hair over her shoulders. She tilted her head toward the driver approaching them. “Try not to act like a scorned lover when you get out of the car. Remember, he can’t see me. I’ve learned from experience those employees closest to you are the first to run their mouths when things begin to spiral out of control. The last thing you need is your driver telling a reporter you’ve lost it.”
The limousine driver opened the door. Edward stepped out. He was brewing. Not only did he have a hard-on, he had a complicated woman to credit and blame. Not only did he have someone to blame, he couldn’t publicly point an accusing finger her way.
“Did you have a nice dinner, sir?” the driver asked, trying to make small talk while Edward retrieved his wallet.
“We did,” he reported. “Thank you.”
The driver accepted his tip and arched a brow. “Did you meet friends while you were out?”
Heidi studied her fingernails. “You didn’t listen.”
“How the hell was I supposed to listen when I’m standing here with blue balls?”
“I beg your pardon, sir?” the driver fired back.
Heidi yawned. “Since your dick seems to be the only thing you can think with, see if it can help you worm your way out of this. I’m waiting upstairs.”
She was gone in a flash and Edward wished he could disappear just as rapidly.
“Sir, are you feeling okay?”
“No, Truman,” Edward replied. “I’m not. I apologize for the outburst. I’m hearing voices tonight.”
Truman frowned. “Sir, I’d strongly advise against telling anyone else about voices. You know how people like to talk.”

Destiny Blaine’s Book, Steam Toys is available today from Aspen Mountain Press. Check out other excerpts and information here: or follow her blog here: